Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newt Gingrich Address: $2.50 per Gallon Gasoline, Energy Independence and Jobs - February 29, 2012

Newt explains why $2.50 gasoline can be achieved with the right policies, and how inexpensive energy will fuel the economy and improve our national security.
Help make it happen at
This Political Video posted on YouTube by ngingrich

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Arizona/Michigan Primaries

Presidential Election 2012
The Arizona / Michigan Primaries
Mitt Romney!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Post time: 9:25pm CST
File photo by Mitt Romney Campaign Website
- Mitt Romney wins the Michigan and Arizona Republican Presidential Primaries (and as of 11:50pm CST… and note I’ll update these figures if needed on Wed.,) received 41% of the vote in Michigan and 47% of the vote in Arizona.
- Rick Santorum came in 2nd in BOTH States… Not bad my man… with 38% of the vote in Michigan and 27% of the vote in Arizona.
- Ron Paul… He pulled out a 3rd place finish in Michigan with 12% of the vote and a distance last place finish, 4th Place in Arizona with only 08% of the vote.
- Newt He came in last in Michigan… with 07% of the vote. But we got some good news tonight at least… He got a 3rd Place Finish in Arizona with 16% of the vote. Now… this was an expected result for Newt in Michigan… being he didn’t even try at all there. And I for one thought Newt came out a bit better than expected… in Arizona. But… still nothing to write home to mama about.  Lol
What’s Newt been up to of late!!!? Well… Newt has been spending most all his time this last week or so working on a must…  Having a GOOD SHOWING… during this upcoming Super Tuesday.
Super Tuesday is a week from today too, Tuesday, March 6th. I’d also mention that Georgia is one of the States up for grabs on Super Tuesday… and that just happens to be Newt’s Home State!  Which is where he was tonight and while there gave a pretty good speech too.
(I’ll have that video link posted up HERE sometime Wednesday. Update: SORRY! Couldn't find one anywhere... Oh well... Was a good speech. For now though check out NEWT's Energy Speech in Post above this one.)
Soooo… Basically… we have some must wins coming up for Newt next week if we are to have any chance, at all, in staying in this race… and Winning!
You tha man Newt!!! Make it so………
Note: I will not be posting the overall election totals tonight but you can keep up with the latest at

Congrats, again, go out to Mitt for his first place finish tonight in the Arizona/Michigan Primaries.
NEWT 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate - February 22, 2012

Newt Gingrich image from his official campaign website
    Post Date: Thursday, February 23, 2012
    Last night’s CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate was held in Mesa, Arizona at the Mesa Arts Center. It should be noted that it was being promoted as, most likely, the LAST of the Republican Debates for this 2012 election year. Hope not… but we shall see.
    I thought last night was not as it was in the last Debate back on January 26th in Florida. Nowhere near it… Wednesday’s Debate wasn’t anywhere near as fiery for one… but it did have its moments.\
    What fireworks we did see last night wasn’t between Newt and Mitt… but instead between Rick and Mitt and… Ron Paul!
    Ron especially took after Rick early on in the Debate and never let up. But I did notice that Ron seemed to have very little powder in his gun towards Newt and didn’t hit Mitt overly hard last night either.
Winners and Losers

    - Rick Santorum had a really BAD night! And I’m pretty sure his poll numbers are fixing to TANK and his run at the top is over.
    - Newt Gingrich on the other hand had a real good night and I’m sure we will soon see it so in the polls. Looks to me like this is fixing to be a race, again… between he and Mitt! From what I saw last night, Newt looked and acted above the fray and seemed to keep himself on top of EVERYTHING! GREAT JOB, NEWT!
Click out Video, Twitter Highlights from last night’s Debate HERE
    - Mitt Romney had a good night, but he too had his poor showing moments.
    - Ron Paul… well… He’s RON PAUL! Lol… and yes… Take away his take on Foreign Policies, and I’d have to say he too did, OK.
So Bottom Line...
Rick really KILLED himself last night and shot his way right out of this race..
Just one more round of voting to go this month and that will be on Tuesday, February 28th with the Arizona, Michigan Primaries.
Newt 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Maine Caucuses

Presidential Election 2012
Maine Caucuses
WINNER Mitt Romney!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Post time: 8:45pm CST
File photo by Mitt Romney Campaign Website
Mitt Romney wins the Maine Republican Presidential Caucuses today receiving 39% of the vote while Ron Paul came in 2nd with 36%. Rick Santorum came in 3rd with 18% and poor Newt he came in dead last with just 06% of the vote.
Note: I will not be posting the overall election totals tonight but you can keep up with the latest at

Congrats go out to Mitt for this first place finish tonight in Maine. Nothing more to say on that...  except maybe the bleeding has finally stopped… For now…
Just one more round to go this month as we end it on Tuesday, February 28th with the Arizona, Michigan Primaries.

NEWT 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Santorum, Romney and Gingrich Speak During Day Two of CPAC 2012

Image Credit C-SPAN

Friday, February 10, 2012
* USA Today has this report on Romney and it starts off like this… Mitt Romney may have lost three GOP contests this week, but he showed no hint of weakness in his speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference...
Read the full report at link below…
- USA Today also has this report on Santorum and it goes in part like this… Fresh from three victories over Romney this week, the former Pennsylvania senator told the Conservative Political Action Conference that they should not choose the candidate with the most money or one who has supported "government control" in health care and the economy
Read the full report at link below…
- Also from USA Today is the following report on Newt and it goes in part like this…
Newt Gingrich stressed his "bold solutions" to challenge the Republican establishment and defeat President Obama in November… In his remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Gingrich touted a long list of ideas -- from ending "Obamacare" to revamping job training programs -- that he says will revive the economy and bring fundamental change to Washington…
Read this report in full at link below…
Click out all Three
Santorum, Romney & Gingrich
CPAC Speeches HERE
Courtesy of C-SPAN

Newt 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Colorado Caucuses, Minnesota Caucuses and the Missouri Primary

Presidential Election 2012
We had three States voting this Tuesday…
Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Post last updated: 12:20am CST
I’d give the overall winner for this round to RICK!
Santorum file photo from his official campaign website
The Three States Winner is…
- Minnesota Caucuses: Rick Santorum
- Missouri Primary: Rick Santorum
- Colorado Caucuses: RICK SANTORUM -- Upset!!!
Rick Runs The Board!!!
* Keep up with the latest at
Track all three race results in real time at links below
NOTE: Sadly, Newt failed to file for the Missouri Primary
and was NOT included on said ballot
Congrats go out to Rick Santorum on a GREAT showing tonight! Your Campaign strategy seems to be paying off with some well needed dividends for you. But I might add this game is just getting going good so good luck the rest of the way.
Rick, hope you have some very thick skin my friend for the Romney campaign’s HELL Dogs will now be barking for you after tonight’s VERY strong showing. You haven’t had any of that as of yet either I might add. I truly do hope you handle the coming fireworks much better than my man Newt did.
Mitt… just wasn’t the kind of finish you were expecting tonight, down the board, especially in Colorado!!!? I mean you just didn’t have anywhere near the results like you did back in 2008 against McCain. Not by a LONG shot!
Newt… Newt… Newt… Need some WINS my man… and some REAL good Debate performances in the upcoming CNN Debates too! If not… I see no way for us to ever get you back on top.
Now… there will only be one Debate this month and it will be held in Arizona on Monday, February 22nd. CNN will host this Debate at 7:00pm CST. CNN will also sponsor another Debate a little over a week later, on March 1st in Georgia. Not sure of time but would think it too would start at 7:00pm CST. Lol… if not on, would you believe 8:00!!!?
With that said… It’s off to the Maine Caucuses we go and they will be held this Saturday, February 11th.
Finally… we end the month on a Tuesday, February 28th with the Arizona, Michigan Primaries.

NEWT 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Nevada Caucuses

Presidential Election 2012 - Nevada Caucuses
It was the Nevada Voters who spoke and…
Winner, Mitt Romney!
Saturday, February 04th, 2012
Post time: 11:45pm CST
File photo by Mitt Romney Campaign Website
I will not be posting the election totals tonight but you can keep up with the latest at link below…
Track the race results in real time HERE
Note: 28 Total Delegates at stake in Nevada
* They will be divided proportionately

Congrats go out to Mitt Romney for his first place finish tonight in Nevada. A very handy win too, I might add.
Was this an upset win tonight? No… It was an expected win for Mitt and along the margins we had expected. I mean… how could he have not won?
Mitt had pretty much home court advantage I’d say and besides… he had already won Nevada hands down back during his run in 2008 against John McCain. Much the same way as tonight I might add.
OK then… How about my man, Newt Gingrich? Not a bad 2nd Place showing tonight, all in all, being he spent little to no time or money here. Nor did Santorum! Who I might add came in a distance 4th.
Ron Paul on the other hand… that is another story. He spent all kinds of time, organization and money here. And we see the results he really didn’t get out of all of that. 3rd Place...

With that said… It’s off to the Colorado Caucuses, Minnesota Caucuses and the Missouri Primary. All three will be held on February 7th. Maine’s Caucuses will follow four days later on February 11th. We end the month on February 28th with the Arizona, Michigan Primaries.
NEWT 2012

-- UPDATE --
Sunday morning, EARLY…
- What a mess and a must READ from Newsday...

- LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL reports it this way…

Friday, February 3, 2012

Videos, Political Ads, Newt 2012

"If it's between Obama and Romney, there isn't all that much difference except for the crowd that they bring with them," said Soros.
This political video posted on YouTube by ngingrich
Good Ad Newt!