Presidential Election 2012
Today we have the…
Connecticut, Delaware, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island
A Total of 231 Delegates up for Grabs
Image courtesy of Romney Campaign - Taken April 16, 2012
Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
Original Post time: 2:45pm CDT
I will be updating this post after Polls close this evening so check back!
Depending from whom one gets their Delegate Count totals from, today I’m using info from CNN News… The Total Delegate Count going into these April 24th Primaries are as follows: Mitt Romney 695 delegates - Rick Santorum 273 - Newt Gingrich 141 and Ron Paul 72.
1,144 delegates are needed for the Official Republican Nomination.
While we wait for the results to come in tonight, I just have to say a few words about my former man, Newt…
After reading through many a political article over the last few days… I see Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Campaign have been suggesting that the end may be finally near for the former House Speaker’s struggling presidential campaign. Especially if he fares poorly in today’s Delaware Republican Primary.
From what I’ve read… he has spent a LOT of time of late campaigning there and needs a 1st or STRONG 2nd place finish. I really don’t see this happening... SOOO…
We love ya Newt, but it’s over my friend. Time to stand aside and let Mitt and his Team go after President Obama with the complete backing of the Republican Party… and you!
I for one really do hope we hear a great speech out of you tonight, Newt. And then see you gracefully bow from the 2012 Presidential Race, throwing your FULL support behind Mitt Romney, the NEXT President of the United States. But if you cannot find yourself to do it tonight… at least make it so in the next few days.
With that said, we shall soon enough see how tonight’s events unfold.
Above image from Gingrich Campaign website
-- States Up for Grabs --
And number of Delegates up for grabs today and total overall
* Connecticut: 25 of 28 - Primary
* Delaware: 17 of 17 - Primary
* New York: 81 of 95 - Primary
* Pennsylvania: 72 of 72 - Primary
* Rhode Island: 16 of 19 – Primary
Polls close tonight at 8:00pm EDT in Connecticut, Delaware and Pennsylvania
They will close at 9:00pm EDT in New York and Rhode Island
* Keep up with the latest *
Track Race results and more with Fox News, in real time, at link below…
Also worth clicking out…
POST Updates:
Last updated…
Wednesday afternoon, April 25th
2:10pm CDT
2:10pm CDT
Congrats MITT!!!
On your FIVE STATE Winning SWEEP!
Yes sir… It has been another great night for Mitt Romney with his BIG WINS in all FIVE STATES... And man… what a powerful, uplifting… Presidential Speech Mitt gave us just a while ago. POWERFUL STUFF!!!
Be sure to click it out at link below…
- Also tonight and at about the same time as Mitt’s speech was going on…
NOTE: They were having problems with getting Newt’s video working as I posted this but the link has GOOD info on what he had to say, in part… and maybe they will get his speech up and running soon enough. For now, Newt… did acknowledge that he will need to consider whether to continue his campaign… “Over the next few days, we're going to look, realistically, at where we're at,” he said, promising to continue to campaign in North Carolina this week. “We're also going to think about how we can be most helpful to this country.”…
Read more/hopefully watch the video in full at link above.
And again… keep up with the latest election results in all five states at links above from Fox and CSPAN!
Wednesday afternoon
“I do think it's pretty clear that Governor Romney is ultimately going to be the nominee and we're going to do everything we can to make sure that he is, in fact, effective and that we as a team are effective both in winning this fall and then, frankly, in governing.”
Newt Gingrich
The word is out this early Wednesday afternoon that Newt Gingrich will officially drop out of the 2012 Presidential Race in an upcoming event sometime this coming Tuesday, May 1st… And it is also being reported that it is all but certain that he WILL endorse Mitt Romney for President at this time.
As of right now… Newt will complete his North Carolina schedule as planned this week, making it into something of a goodbye tour. Good for you Newt. And I might add make it a memorable, powerful exit too.
Read the report from Fox News at link below…