Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Texas Primary

Today we have the
Texas Primary
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012
Romney Campaign file photo
While waiting on the election results to come in tonight… check out these reports I ran across earlier today
- FoxNews.com brings us the following report and it starts off like this… Mitt Romney, after weathering an onslaught of rotating primary challengers over the course of the last year, is poised to clinch the Republican presidential nomination as early as Tuesday… In doing so, his campaign will complete its shift, from knocking off Republican rivals one by one to challenging a single Democratic opponent, President Obama…
Read this report in full HERE
- The Washington Post has this report and it starts off like this… This day is mostly about math for Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney… Not fuzzy math or new math but the simple one-plus-one addition kind of math. By day’s end, if all goes as expected, the former Massachusetts governor will finally have a mathematical lock on the Republican presidential nomination… Never mind that he’s been the frontrunner since the Iowa and New Hampshire contests in January and the presumptive nominee since his last major opponent — former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum — suspended campaigning on April 10… Even so, “I need to get 50.1 percent or more” Romney said ahead of the Tuesday GOP primary in Texas expected to push him above the required 1,144 delegate threshold…
Read this report in full HERE
States left to vote - (Pledged/Unpledged) Delegates up for Grabs:
Today, Tuesday, May 29th we have Texas voting (152/3). On June 5th we have 5 primaries and they are California (169/3), New Jersey (50/0), Montana (0/26), New Mexico (20/3) and South Dakota (25/3). Utah (40/0) will be the last state to vote and that will be on June 26th.
Keep up with the latest at…
-- Delegate Count Totals --
    As of Wednesday morning
            May 30th, 2012
       Info tallies from Fox News/AP
1)  Mitt Romney
1191 - WINNER!
2)  Rick Santorum
3)  Newt Gingrich
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
9:00pm CDT
You FINALLY did it!!!
Now that this part of the election cycle is finally over, (our OFFICIAL Candidate to run against President Obama is Mitt Romney,) let’s move on now with making Obama a ONE TERM PRESIDENT!

NOTE: I will not be posting on the elections coming up in June simply because Mitt has already won the nomination. But… you can still keep up to date with the latest election news and results at links above…

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Arkansas, Kentucky Primaries

Today we have the
Arkansas, Kentucky Primaries
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
.Romney Campaign file photo
While waiting on the election results to come in tonight… check out these 2 reports I ran across earlier today from Fox News
- Mitt Romney was inching closer to officially claiming the Republican presidential nomination as Arkansas and Kentucky voted in primaries Tuesday… With no serious opposition left, the former Massachusetts governor was certain to pad his lead in the hunt for delegates to the GOP's nominating convention in late August. If he dominates Tuesday as expected, Romney should reach the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination next week, when Texas voters go to the polls…
Read the rest HERE
- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is declining to renew the endorsement he gave Barack Obama four years ago, when he called Obama “a transformational figure.”…
Read the rest at link below…
Powell notready to endorse Obama for re-election
Yeah… Mr. Powell all KINDS of screwed up when he went out of his way to back Obama for President a few years back. And he now SOOO knows IT too!
States left to vote - (Pledged/Unpledged) Delegates up for Grabs:
Today, Tuesday, May 22nd, we have Arkansas (33/3) and Kentucky (42/3) voting. We end the month on May 29th in Texas (152/3). On June 5th we have 5 primaries and they are California (169/3), New Jersey (50/0), Montana (0/26), New Mexico (20/3) and South Dakota (25/3). Utah (40/0) will be the last state to vote this year and that will be on June 26th.
Keep up with the latest at…
I’ll say it again… These things are just no fun anymore with the end results known beforehand! But… we’ll watch them to the very end… no matter what! Lol…
This will probably be the last thing I have to say on tonight’s elections… That is UNLESS some kind of unforeseen, major event goes down this evening. But I seriously doubt it does…
With that said… Early congrats go out to Mitt, again… on having another good night. Just one more to go… WE HOPE!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Nebraska, Oregon Primaries

Today we have the
Nebraska, Oregon Primaries
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012
Romney Campaign file photo
While waiting on the election results to come in tonight…
Ron Paul told supporters vie email on Monday, May 14th, that he would no longer spend resources campaigning in primaries in states that have not yet voted. But not to worry… he would continue to accumulate delegates all the way to the Republican National Convention that will be held in Tampa, Florida this coming August. Sooo… I guess in a roundabout way… Mr. Paul has pretty much SUSPENDED his Campaign! Even though they say he has not...    lol
As far as Mitt goes… he should win enough delegates by month’s end to formally take the Republican 2012 Presidential Nomination. According to the last AP tally that I’ve seen, Mitt has a total of 966 delegates in the pocket with only 178 delegates left to go. He needs a grand total of 1144 delegates to put him over the top. Sooo… as said above, Mitt should have this thing all wrapped up by month’s end.
States left to vote - (Pledged/Unpledged) Delegates up for Grabs:
Today, May 15th we have Nebraska (32/3) and Oregon (25/3) voting. One week later on May 22nd, we have Arkansas (33/3) and Kentucky (42/3). We end the month on May 29th in Texas (152/3). On June 5th we have 5 primaries and they are California (169/3), New Jersey (50/0), Montana (0/26), New Mexico (20/3) and South Dakota (25/3). Utah (40/0) will be the last state to vote this year and that will be on June 26th.
Keep up with the latest at…
These things are just no fun anymore with the end results known beforehand! But… we watch them to the end any-old-way.    Lol
Anyway… Congrats MITT on another good night!
Almost THERE!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Presidential Election 2012 - Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Primaries

Presidential Election 2012
Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia
Image by Romney Campaign
Mitt Romney won all 3 State Primaries Tuesday, May 8th, 2012… pushing him that much closer to the 1,144 delegates he needs to officially achieve the GOP nomination. When all is finally said and done, he will receive around 100 or so more delegates from Tuesday’s election results… leaving him with around 188 delegates to go to push him over the top.
Want be long now… and we can finally stop keeping up with such things and move on to the bigger picture. Making President Obama a one term President!
Keep up with the latest at…

Sunday, May 6, 2012

All Them Faces - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Video by AubreyJ………
Don’t know about you guys but I for one really do hope President Romney makes GOOD use of this Brilliant Lady’s… KNOW!
.I do not see her as being a VP pick, but wouldn’t she be just GREAT as a Foreign Affairs Adviser or better yet Secretary of State again! A win… WIN for all… but mostly for this great Country of ours that has really lost so much clout in World Opinion under President Obama’s run.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Newt Gingrich Officially Withdrew Wednesday, May 02, 2012 from the 2012 Presidential Race

File photo by Newt's 2012 Campaign Website
Sorry, but I’m not posting the video from yesterday but these were some of the topics and a part of his goodbye speech…
Watch his video heads-up from Tuesday…
Video: Thank You to All of Our Supporters
This video posted on YouTube by ngingrich
Good run Mr. Speaker, good run.
Thank You...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New York Post’s President Obama ‘Shameless’ Cover - KA-BULL!

Sorry… But I just couldn’t help myself!
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
We also find the following video on the New York Post Website today
Triple explosions rock Kabul after Obama visit
About Video: An Afghan police official said three explosions went off early on Wednesday in the eastern part of the capital Kabul. The blasts were followed by sporadic shooting. The government said six people had been killed. The blasts took place hours after President Barack Obama ended a quick visit to Afghanistan.
This Raw Video was posted on YouTube by starnews
Read the story HERE
Like my three main men in the Senate… John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman… I too believe it is always a good thing when the President of the United States goes overseas and spends some time with the troops. BUT… What President Obama did yesterday was nothing more than a political stunt and as the above article says… “SHAMELESS”!!!