Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wisconsin Recall Elections - Tuesday, June 05, 2012

-- Wisconsin Recall Elections --
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and Four Republican State Senators Face Recall Elections Today
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Normally I do not post on general local elections but this round of BS has too much implication on National Politics for years to come not to mention the Presidential Election in November. Whoever wins or loses today, one way or the other… is surely going to make a BIG impact on BOTH!
I’m going out of my way right now to predict that Governor Walker wins this thing hands down tonight. (Polls I’ve seen over the last week suggest it to be so.) But the fate of the others… well I’m not so much sure on them. Yet, I’m really hoping Walker carries them all to a win too. We shall see soon enough.
That’s it for now… until the final results come in later tonight.........

GOOD LUCK to ALL my Republican friends!
Polls close 8:00pm CDT
9:10pm CDT
Governor Scott Walker
Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch
BOTH Projected Winners in their Recall Elections!
11:50pm CDT
Jerry Petrowski, Terry Moulton, Van Wanggaard and Scott Fitzgerald
Kept Their State Seats and by GOOD Margins Too!
Keep up with the latest election results at…

Early Wednesday afternoon
June 06, 2012
12:35pm CDT
Well… it’s looking like many of us are going to have to take back what we predicted last night saying ALL FOUR Republicans will keep their sets. Sadly, it is now looking like one of them might have lost by just under 800 votes and if it turns out to be so… the Dems will assume control of the Wisconsin State Senate.
As of now and after the last votes were counted this morning… it looks like JOHN LEHMAN (D) got 50.5% of the vote and if all goes well for him, will have squeaked out a win over incumbent Van Wanggaard (R) who got 49.5% of the vote. That’s a 779 vote count difference between the two men and I’m sure a RECOUNT is now in the making… OHHH LORD… HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! LOL………
Read the report by JSOnline.com at link below…
Now… if I was Van Wanggaard, I’d be making SURE a recount happens. Funny how those numbers changed late last night to this morning by such a LARGE margin… Just saying!
ANYWAY… again I say…
CONGRATS to ALL our Republican winners!
And thank you Wisconsin…
It was one heck of a night for you…
and this Great Country of ours.