Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2012 Democrat National Convention, Charlotte, NC - Convention kicks off Tuesday night on Prime TV

Original Post Date: Tuesday, September 04, 2012
On Tuesday afternoon, Sept 4th, the National Debt Clock reached 16 Trillion Dollars. That’s equal to spending $900,000 an hour, every hr… since the day Jesus Christ was born…
--- (REALLY!!!?) ---
Obama/Biden 2008 Campaign file image
2012 Democrat National Convention
Charlotte, NC
September 4th - 6th
POST Last Updated
Thursday, September 06, 2012
The first two days of the 2012 Democratic National Convention, Tuesday, September 4th and Wednesday, September 5th, will be held at the Time Warner Cable Arena. President Obama and Vice President Biden will accept the Democratic nominations for President and Vice President on Thursday, September 6th at the Bank of America Stadium.
- Update: Wednesday, 05, 2012 - 10:00am CDT - Due to the possibility of bad weather this Thursday evening, outdoor events at the Bank of America Stadium have been cancelled and moved back to the Time Warner Cable Arena.
The show still goes on!
Wednesday Night’s Main Speaker:
September 06, 2012
President Barack Obama
He will be speaking sometime between 9-10pm CDT
* Click out all of today’s speakers and more HERE
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While we are waiting for tonight’s Democratic Convention to get going:
Energy and Obama
Just in case you didn’t know…
- CBN.com ran the following very interesting and sadly, factually written,  with News Video Report in tow, late Tuesday morning and their written report goes in part like this… Job creation and rising energy prices are big issues in this year's presidential elections. A major battleground will be the top coal-producing states, where 182 electoral votes are on the line. …In 2008, President Obama won the vote of coal-producing states. This November, voters in coal country say all party ties are being set aside… "Enough's, enough," Karla May, Democratic state representative of the 84th District in Kentucky, declared. "We want change; we're going to have change. We're going to have change in November."… It's the rallying cry spreading throughout coal country… "I am a registered Democrat," West Virginia voter Brandon Sammons said. "But I am for coal and by that being said I am against Barak Obama."…
Read this report/watch video in full at link below…
In case you missed their speeches… Here they are again, in full.
Latest round of Speakers on top…
Thursday Night:
Videos coming late tonight or Friday morning…
* Caroline Kennedy -
Author, Attorney and daughter of former President John F. Kennedy

I still love her and her late baby brother to death… But that’s too long a story to bring up here. Her politics though… she’s really out there with it! Tonight in her speech, Caroline said that she had gone from being inspired by President Obama's promise… to being inspired by his record! Caroline… If I put you in a room with a 1000 other regular, all walks of life Americans… only you and maybe a few hundred more, but more than likely way less than that, would even think that this President has done any kinds of an inspiringly wonderful job with this country over the last 4 years! Take the blinders off people!!!
(This video courtesy of Fox News)
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* John Kerry -
Member of the US Senate, Massachusetts
Medal chunker Kerry… Only a leftwing Dem would buy into your sorry excuse for a speech tonight. Lol… And they did just that too by the way the crowd went wild. Yeah -- yeah… John did have some funny lines tonight. But… only thing that would have made them better would have been if he had worn his Spandex and carried his wind surfboard on stage with him! Lol…
This video posted on YouTube by ABCNews
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* Vice President Joe Biden -
Joe did one heck of a better job tonight with his speech than I thought he was ever capable of. Didn’t even stick his FOOT in his mouth either! From a Dems point of view, I’m sure… he gave one brilliant, fantastic speech! But!!! Thank GOD… I’m not a Democrat. Never have been… and never will be either.  
Joe… Obama didn’t save GM like you and every other Democrat on this planet keep preaching. He saved his union buddies and their future votes along with all that financial union support and organizations to get out the Obama/Biden/Dem platform vote. Sadly, (and never mentioned by the MSM,) Obama and you too, Joe… didn’t give a crap about the 100’s of thousands of hard working people who lost everything in their investments with GM. Obama and you didn’t lift a finger to bail them out!!! You didn’t CARE about them… AT ALL!!!!!!!!! Yeah… you guys are real heroes…. NOT!
This video posted on YouTube by naacpvideos
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* President Barack Obama -
Great Obama Speech tonight…. But it was all the same-old… same-old. President Obama basically gave us another speech tonight that was full of the SAME empty promises he gave us 4 years ago. It was almost the exact same speech in many parts too! President Obama and the Dem Party must think the American people don’t listen to his words and actually think about what he says. Well… 20-30% of them actually don’t but when they do hear something… it’s usually only about how much are them Dems going to GIVE THEM this time around… for free!!!
(This video courtesy of CBS News)
Wednesday Night:
* Nancy Pelosi -
Democratic Leader and Member of the US House of Representatives, California
This video posted on YouTube by DemConvention2012 
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* Sandra Fluke -
Attorney and Women’s Rights Activist
Ahhhh the women of America should be proud to have such a woman and her views on their side. Lol… Do the Dems really think all American women are complete idiots/morons!!!?
This video posted on YouTube by PBSNewsHour
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* Elizabeth Warren -
Candidate for US Senate, Massachusetts
Elizabeth got much love from her fellow Dems on the Convention floor tonight with all that cool-aid she was dishing out… But out in the home country, I’d have to say she got not so much. You GOT to beat this lady this November, Senator Brown. And right now all the Polls out there are saying it’s looking like a Brown WIN! But we still have a ways to go… So keep up the good fight and gets us a win with Mitt!
This video posted on YouTube by 5portsCenter
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* Former President Bill Clinton -
Bill was GREAT!!! Wouldn’t have expected anything else out of him either. I mean… If you’re ever in deep doo-doo and need a bailout, lol… Bill’s the man to have on your side with lipstick in one hand and a great big BS shovel in the other!!! You just got to love the cool-aid he dished out tonight upon the American people. He is entertaining!!! But sorry, Bill. Obama has really hurt this country over these last 4 years and no matter how you spin it… a pig is a pig no matter how much lipstick you put on it.
(This video posted on YouTube by 1jzo)
Tuesday Night:
* Julian Castro - Mayor of San Antonia, TX
- Keynote Speaker -
(This video courtesy of Fox News)
A new Democrat Star is born. He was good tonight… real good. And he’s probably going to give us Republicans a run for our money over the next so many years.  Lol… Politics, gotta love it!
* First Lady Michelle Obama
(This video posted on YouTube by WSJDigitalNetwork)
Michelle was just awesome tonight… Not the best of speeches but a GREAT presentation that was brilliantly done by her! Now I’m not agreeing with her on many things, not buying into many things she said, if I may… But I do believe she did her husband and Party very well tonight. “Mom in Chief” -- now I liked that. It fits her!
More to come as the Democratic National Convention continues this week. Like the Republican Convention in Tampa last week… this too has been all kinds of FUN to watch!
Keep checking back!
Sorry - Couldn’t Help Myself!
Blame It On Bush
This music video posted on YouTube by TheVotersMusic
That's It Folks!
Wasn't that FUN these last two weeks!!!?
Special Note: The First Presidential Debate between Romney/Obama will be held at the University of Denver on October 3rd, at 8:00pm (Central Time). More on this when the time gets closer!

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