Thursday, September 27, 2012

Draw a Clear RED LINE America - Israeli Prime Minister Gives Powerful ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to UN on Iran’s Nuclear Program Ambitions

Draw a Clear RED LINE America
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives powerful ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to the UN on Iran’s Nuclear Program ambitions
(Very Powerful Stuff - Be sure to watch the full video below)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
    Today, Thursday, September 27th, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a very powerful and effective ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to the United Nations General Assembly… And I for one do so believe that many across the world finally woke up to the sad realities of just what is actually going on over there in that part of the world!
        Just two days before, President Obama’s own UN speech disappointed so many Israelis by saying that America would do what it must to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power but stopped short to agreeing with Netanyahu’s demand that America set a specific ‘Red Line’ that Iran must not cross if it wishes to avoid military action.
Draw a Clear RED LINE America!
Make It So President Obama
Either way… Help is on the way, Mr. Prime Minister…
Above is a GPO file photo
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Gives Powerful
‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to UNGA
Thursday, September 27, 2012
This video just over 32 Minutes long and well worth the watch
This Video posted on YouTube by 5WPRSpeakers
Red Lines Prevent Wars… They Do Not Start Them.
Paraphrasing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from his speech today before the UNGA

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