Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012 - November 06, 2012

Today’s the DAY…
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
The next President of the United States!!!
10:55pm CST
Well Crap
President Obama gets 4 more years
But with no mandate… no CHANGE coming
Just 4 more years of the same!
Image courtesy of Romney Campaign
Thursday, November 08, 2012
12:30pm CST
Like the GREAT ONE, Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday, and I’m paraphrasing here… ‘How the hell can the Republican Party compete against Santa Clause?’
In other words, how will the republicans ever compete against the Democrat Party that has become the Party of free giveaways off the backs of the successful, off the backs of the rich off the massive Debt of this Country?
How do you compete against Santa Claus when so many of the 47% say give me… give me… give me MORE! And the Dems keep on giving and GIVING… And they keep on giving even MORE knowing good and well that this great Country of ours can no longer afford it.

How the heck can the Republicans ever run against Santa Claus!!!?
What’s your take on it?
More to come so check back!

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