Thursday, September 27, 2012

Draw a Clear RED LINE America - Israeli Prime Minister Gives Powerful ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to UN on Iran’s Nuclear Program Ambitions

Draw a Clear RED LINE America
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives powerful ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to the UN on Iran’s Nuclear Program ambitions
(Very Powerful Stuff - Be sure to watch the full video below)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
    Today, Thursday, September 27th, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a very powerful and effective ‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to the United Nations General Assembly… And I for one do so believe that many across the world finally woke up to the sad realities of just what is actually going on over there in that part of the world!
        Just two days before, President Obama’s own UN speech disappointed so many Israelis by saying that America would do what it must to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power but stopped short to agreeing with Netanyahu’s demand that America set a specific ‘Red Line’ that Iran must not cross if it wishes to avoid military action.
Draw a Clear RED LINE America!
Make It So President Obama
Either way… Help is on the way, Mr. Prime Minister…
Above is a GPO file photo
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Gives Powerful
‘Clear RED LINE Speech’ to UNGA
Thursday, September 27, 2012
This video just over 32 Minutes long and well worth the watch
This Video posted on YouTube by 5WPRSpeakers
Red Lines Prevent Wars… They Do Not Start Them.
Paraphrasing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from his speech today before the UNGA

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mitt Romney caught speaking not so elegantly at a Fundraiser back in May… Obama has a few of his own… But don’t expect to see much, if any of those being reported by the MSM

Original Post Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Image by the Romney Campaign - Taken May, 2012
Watch in full Part 1 and 2 of Mitt Romney’s
Fundraiser Video HERE
*** UPDATE ***
Thursday, September 20, 2012
5:30pm CDT
At first, the ones who put out the videos, in the above link, said the videos were in fullNot cut. That, well…… maybe a few minutes were not there, but it was only due to video recording error and such… Yeah --RIGHT! Didn’t buy into that one for a second and my gut feelings on this have panned out to be Sooo true!
We now know that part of the video where Romney was speaking on the Palestinian mess with Israel was cut, and was done so to deliberately take Mr. Romney WAY out of context!
In the first 48 hrs or so after the videos were put out… ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and of course the folks at MSNBC ran all kinds of nutty with it. But what do they say now? Will they take back their negative reporting? Don’t hold your breath… That just isn’t going to happen. Simply put… They are all WAY too far in bed with getting Obama reelected!
If I can ever run down some video in full context, I’ll post it up HERE.
OK then… back to the original post…
Fox News also had the following report posted on their website Tuesday and it starts off like this… A newly released audio recording purports to feature a young Barack Obama saying he believes in government "redistribution" -- a comment that Mitt Romney quickly seized on to claim his opponent thinks "the government should take from some to give to the others."… The tape, [posted on YouTube HERE], was a throwback to the web video that emerged in 2008, [posted on YouTube HERE], showing Obama telling "Joe the Plumber" he wants to "spread the wealth around."… The full report is no longer posted on the Fox News website… Sorry!
And the Election of 2012 finally boils down to this:
Do you vote for President Obama and his failed policies that are taking us down the road to making over HALF of the American people dependant on Government, (and what’s left of the rich,) for everything? Do you vote to let Obama continue to carry us so far in debt that we will never be able to dig our way out of it? Or… do you vote for Romney who will rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation?
Romney’s plan is simple…  Reduce taxes, spending, regulations, and reduce wasteful government programs. Romney will also increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility too. Relinquishing power to the states instead of claiming that the Federal Government has the solution to every problem is also another one of Romney’s workable ideas, that’s truly looking forward… the right way.

Friday, September 7, 2012

42- Presidential Race 2012 - Department of Labor Reports only 96,000 new jobs created in August - Hundreds of thousands have given up looking for jobs altogether - Romney’s take

File photo from Mitt's Official Campaign Website
Friday, September 07, 2012
* FOX News brings us the following report that starts off like this… The latest Labor Department report showing a continuing decline in job growth in America shows President Obama has run out of ideas, Mitt Romney told Fox News Channel in an exclusive interview a day after the president wrapped up the Democratic National Convention… The GOP presidential nominee's comments came hours after the Department of Labor report showed only 96,000 new jobs created in August - and hundreds of thousands have given up looking for jobs altogether… "It's another disappointing monthly figure," Romney told Fox News Channel's Bret Baier in Sioux City, Iowa, a day after President Obama wrapped up the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. "If you look over the last several quarters, last several years, you see the continued pattern which is that we are not creating the jobs we need to create to put Americans back to work. For every net new job created, about four people dropped out of the workforce. So we're going in the wrong direction."…
Read the full report HERE

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2012 Democrat National Convention, Charlotte, NC - Convention kicks off Tuesday night on Prime TV

Original Post Date: Tuesday, September 04, 2012
On Tuesday afternoon, Sept 4th, the National Debt Clock reached 16 Trillion Dollars. That’s equal to spending $900,000 an hour, every hr… since the day Jesus Christ was born…
--- (REALLY!!!?) ---
Obama/Biden 2008 Campaign file image
2012 Democrat National Convention
Charlotte, NC
September 4th - 6th
POST Last Updated
Thursday, September 06, 2012
The first two days of the 2012 Democratic National Convention, Tuesday, September 4th and Wednesday, September 5th, will be held at the Time Warner Cable Arena. President Obama and Vice President Biden will accept the Democratic nominations for President and Vice President on Thursday, September 6th at the Bank of America Stadium.
- Update: Wednesday, 05, 2012 - 10:00am CDT - Due to the possibility of bad weather this Thursday evening, outdoor events at the Bank of America Stadium have been cancelled and moved back to the Time Warner Cable Arena.
The show still goes on!
Wednesday Night’s Main Speaker:
September 06, 2012
President Barack Obama
He will be speaking sometime between 9-10pm CDT
* Click out all of today’s speakers and more HERE
. .
While we are waiting for tonight’s Democratic Convention to get going:
Energy and Obama
Just in case you didn’t know…
- ran the following very interesting and sadly, factually written,  with News Video Report in tow, late Tuesday morning and their written report goes in part like this… Job creation and rising energy prices are big issues in this year's presidential elections. A major battleground will be the top coal-producing states, where 182 electoral votes are on the line. …In 2008, President Obama won the vote of coal-producing states. This November, voters in coal country say all party ties are being set aside… "Enough's, enough," Karla May, Democratic state representative of the 84th District in Kentucky, declared. "We want change; we're going to have change. We're going to have change in November."… It's the rallying cry spreading throughout coal country… "I am a registered Democrat," West Virginia voter Brandon Sammons said. "But I am for coal and by that being said I am against Barak Obama."…
Read this report/watch video in full at link below…
In case you missed their speeches… Here they are again, in full.
Latest round of Speakers on top…
Thursday Night:
Videos coming late tonight or Friday morning…
* Caroline Kennedy -
Author, Attorney and daughter of former President John F. Kennedy

I still love her and her late baby brother to death… But that’s too long a story to bring up here. Her politics though… she’s really out there with it! Tonight in her speech, Caroline said that she had gone from being inspired by President Obama's promise… to being inspired by his record! Caroline… If I put you in a room with a 1000 other regular, all walks of life Americans… only you and maybe a few hundred more, but more than likely way less than that, would even think that this President has done any kinds of an inspiringly wonderful job with this country over the last 4 years! Take the blinders off people!!!
(This video courtesy of Fox News)
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* John Kerry -
Member of the US Senate, Massachusetts
Medal chunker Kerry… Only a leftwing Dem would buy into your sorry excuse for a speech tonight. Lol… And they did just that too by the way the crowd went wild. Yeah -- yeah… John did have some funny lines tonight. But… only thing that would have made them better would have been if he had worn his Spandex and carried his wind surfboard on stage with him! Lol…
This video posted on YouTube by ABCNews
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* Vice President Joe Biden -
Joe did one heck of a better job tonight with his speech than I thought he was ever capable of. Didn’t even stick his FOOT in his mouth either! From a Dems point of view, I’m sure… he gave one brilliant, fantastic speech! But!!! Thank GOD… I’m not a Democrat. Never have been… and never will be either.  
Joe… Obama didn’t save GM like you and every other Democrat on this planet keep preaching. He saved his union buddies and their future votes along with all that financial union support and organizations to get out the Obama/Biden/Dem platform vote. Sadly, (and never mentioned by the MSM,) Obama and you too, Joe… didn’t give a crap about the 100’s of thousands of hard working people who lost everything in their investments with GM. Obama and you didn’t lift a finger to bail them out!!! You didn’t CARE about them… AT ALL!!!!!!!!! Yeah… you guys are real heroes…. NOT!
This video posted on YouTube by naacpvideos
 . ..........................
* President Barack Obama -
Great Obama Speech tonight…. But it was all the same-old… same-old. President Obama basically gave us another speech tonight that was full of the SAME empty promises he gave us 4 years ago. It was almost the exact same speech in many parts too! President Obama and the Dem Party must think the American people don’t listen to his words and actually think about what he says. Well… 20-30% of them actually don’t but when they do hear something… it’s usually only about how much are them Dems going to GIVE THEM this time around… for free!!!
(This video courtesy of CBS News)
Wednesday Night:
* Nancy Pelosi -
Democratic Leader and Member of the US House of Representatives, California
This video posted on YouTube by DemConvention2012 
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* Sandra Fluke -
Attorney and Women’s Rights Activist
Ahhhh the women of America should be proud to have such a woman and her views on their side. Lol… Do the Dems really think all American women are complete idiots/morons!!!?
This video posted on YouTube by PBSNewsHour
. ..........................
* Elizabeth Warren -
Candidate for US Senate, Massachusetts
Elizabeth got much love from her fellow Dems on the Convention floor tonight with all that cool-aid she was dishing out… But out in the home country, I’d have to say she got not so much. You GOT to beat this lady this November, Senator Brown. And right now all the Polls out there are saying it’s looking like a Brown WIN! But we still have a ways to go… So keep up the good fight and gets us a win with Mitt!
This video posted on YouTube by 5portsCenter
. ..........................
* Former President Bill Clinton -
Bill was GREAT!!! Wouldn’t have expected anything else out of him either. I mean… If you’re ever in deep doo-doo and need a bailout, lol… Bill’s the man to have on your side with lipstick in one hand and a great big BS shovel in the other!!! You just got to love the cool-aid he dished out tonight upon the American people. He is entertaining!!! But sorry, Bill. Obama has really hurt this country over these last 4 years and no matter how you spin it… a pig is a pig no matter how much lipstick you put on it.
(This video posted on YouTube by 1jzo)
Tuesday Night:
* Julian Castro - Mayor of San Antonia, TX
- Keynote Speaker -
(This video courtesy of Fox News)
A new Democrat Star is born. He was good tonight… real good. And he’s probably going to give us Republicans a run for our money over the next so many years.  Lol… Politics, gotta love it!
* First Lady Michelle Obama
(This video posted on YouTube by WSJDigitalNetwork)
Michelle was just awesome tonight… Not the best of speeches but a GREAT presentation that was brilliantly done by her! Now I’m not agreeing with her on many things, not buying into many things she said, if I may… But I do believe she did her husband and Party very well tonight. “Mom in Chief” -- now I liked that. It fits her!
More to come as the Democratic National Convention continues this week. Like the Republican Convention in Tampa last week… this too has been all kinds of FUN to watch!
Keep checking back!
Sorry - Couldn’t Help Myself!
Blame It On Bush
This music video posted on YouTube by TheVotersMusic
That's It Folks!
Wasn't that FUN these last two weeks!!!?
Special Note: The First Presidential Debate between Romney/Obama will be held at the University of Denver on October 3rd, at 8:00pm (Central Time). More on this when the time gets closer!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

MITT ROMNEY’s PLAN in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Afghanistan and Pakistan - An American Century
Afghanistan/Pakistan Map courtesy of CENTCOM
I am here today to tell you that
I am guided by one overwhelming
Conviction and passion: This
Century must be an American
Century. In an American Century,
America has the strongest military in the
World. In an American Century,
America leads the free world and the
Free world leads the entire world.
- Mitt Romney,
Remarks at The Citadel,
Enjoying the sanctuary of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, al Qaeda set in motion the conspiracy that killed so many Americans on September 11, 2001. We learned many bitter lessons that day, including that we are not safe from enemies who plot freely against us from the other side of the world. That is why so many of our best and bravest young men and women are risking their lives in Afghanistan. Our mission in Afghanistan is to eliminate al Qaeda from the region and degrade the Taliban and other insurgent groups to the point where they are not existential threats to the Afghan government and do not destabilize Pakistan, with its stock of nuclear weapons. Our objective is to ensure that Afghanistan will never again become a launching pad for terror and to send a message to any other nation that would harbor terrorists with designs on the American homeland.
    Much of the mission has been accomplished through the courage and dedication of our troops. The killing of Osama bin Laden was a landmark in the struggle for which President Obama deserves credit. Much more, however, remains to be done. Unfortunately, President Obama has repeatedly frustrated and imperiled the American mission through a series of unwise decisions.

    After a protracted deliberation process, President Obama in December 2009 announced he would support a “surge” that would entail introducing an additional 30,000 troops into Afghanistan. But in the very same speech announcing the surge, he put forward a timetable for withdrawal. The mixed message left our Afghan allies in doubt about our resolve and encouraged the Taliban to believe that they could wait us out.

    This past June, President Obama disregarded the counsel of his top military commanders, including General David Petraeus, and announced a full withdrawal of those 30,000 surge troops by September 2012. That date falls short of the commanders’ reported recommendation that the troops remain through the end of 2012 and the Afghan “fighting season” to solidify our gains. That date also happens to be just weeks before a U.S. presidential election. There is no military rationale for it. It raises questions about whether the timing is politically inspired.

    Whatever the motivation behind the decision, it means that our military will be compelled to begin moving troops and equipment out of Afghanistan in the middle of the fighting season, taking away forces and resources it needs to combat the enemy.
    Mitt Romney will never make national-security decisions based upon electoral politics. Upon taking office, he will review our transition to the Afghan military by holding discussions with our commanders in the field. He will order a full interagency assessment of our military and assistance presence in Afghanistan to determine the level required to secure our gains and to train Afghan forces to the point where they can protect the sovereignty of Afghanistan from the tyranny of the Taliban. Withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan under a Romney administration will be based on conditions on the ground as assessed by our military commanders.
Ensure Buy-In from Afghan and Pakistani Governments
    To defeat the insurgency in Afghanistan, the United States will need the cooperation of both the Afghan and Pakistani governments. It is in the interests of all three nations to see that Afghanistan and the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region are rid of the Taliban and other insurgent groups. Mitt Romney will work with both the Afghan government and Pakistan to ensure that those nations are fully contributing to success in Afghanistan. But we will only persuade Afghanistan and Pakistan to be resolute if they are convinced that the United States will itself be resolute. Only an America that appears fully committed to success will eliminate the incentives for them to hedge their bets by aligning with opposing forces.
    The United States must be clear in what we require of both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghan President Hamid Karzai should understand that our commitment must be met with reciprocal efforts to crack down on corruption in his government, respect free and fair elections as required by the Afghan constitution, and coordinate with the United States on fighting the narcotics trade that fuels the insurgency. Pakistan should understand that any connection between insurgent forces and Pakistan’s security and intelligence forces must be severed. The United States enjoys significant leverage over both of these nations. We should not be shy about using it.

Related Issues
- Iran
Taken from the ROMNEY/Ryan2012 Campaign website

Image Credit Mitt Romney
In case you missed their speeches… here they are again, in full.
Latest round of Speakers on top